Choice Diesel Mozambique - Maputo
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Company name
Choice Diesel Mozambique
Bairro Mussumbuluco, Talhão 10/15, Parcela 10/E, Esquina EN4 c/ Rua Da Mozal, Maputo, Mozambique
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Working hours
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
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Company description
Choice Diesel supplies and maintains heavy commercial machinery in Mozambique and South Africa. The company’s presence in Mozambique was initially centred around Beira and Maputo with a focus primarily on the North American heavy-duty truck sector. The company offered total fleet maintenance packages, covering from both trucks and trailers, to road hauliers in and around Maputo and Beira.
From humble beginnings Choice Diesel has grown and moved with the Mozambican economy, identifying the changing needs in the country and finding the best possible delivery partners for this unique environment. The company has sales and maintenance solutions for all its clients. We offer a wide range of new and second hand on and off highway products ranging from trucks and trailers to heavy commercial
As a family run business, we place a tremendous amount of importance on our relationships with our clients, our staff and our OEM suppliers and continuously seek to deal with all our business partners with respect and integrity. Our mission is to offer the best possible products that have exceptional spares availability and warranties to ensure operational efficiencies for all our clients.
Our ability to set up dedicated maintenance teams and infrastructures at the clients’ sites sets us apart from the competition and allows us long term relationships where we can support our clients’ growth.
From humble beginnings Choice Diesel has grown and moved with the Mozambican economy, identifying the changing needs in the country and finding the best possible delivery partners for this unique environment. The company has sales and maintenance solutions for all its clients. We offer a wide range of new and second hand on and off highway products ranging from trucks and trailers to heavy commercial
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equipment serving materials handling, retail, manufacture, agriculture, construction, mining and oil and gas users.As a family run business, we place a tremendous amount of importance on our relationships with our clients, our staff and our OEM suppliers and continuously seek to deal with all our business partners with respect and integrity. Our mission is to offer the best possible products that have exceptional spares availability and warranties to ensure operational efficiencies for all our clients.
Our ability to set up dedicated maintenance teams and infrastructures at the clients’ sites sets us apart from the competition and allows us long term relationships where we can support our clients’ growth.
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