Arkhe Segurança - Maputo, Mozambique
Arkhe Segurança
1 Review
Arkhe SegurançaAv. Do Zimbabwe(258) 2148 68 84
Company name
Arkhe Segurança
Av. Do Zimbabwe, Maputo, Mozambique
Contact number
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(258) 2148 68 84
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Arkhe SegurançaAv. Do Zimbabwe(258) 2148 68 84
I have emailed several times to complain about the security guard that works at the CFM houses in Nacala (next to Libélula Lodge) who is making a small business guarding cars in a private property which clearly states "proibido estacionar". He is extremely rude, is often not wearing a shirt or boots. Today when my husband approached him he started screaming at my husband and pointing his gun at my husband in a threatening manner. Both I and my 2 year old daughter were present. I have sent several emails which have been ignored. He is purposely getting people to park in this no parking area, to take business away from us (Libélula) and has intimidated us and our clients. He is also often on the beach (where our clients hve felt too intimidated by him to swim!)
This behaviour is totally unacceptable and Arkhe should do something about this. Yet the numbers on the website do not work and my emails are ignored.
This man is crazy to be threatening a civilian with a gun!!!
This behaviour is totally unacceptable and Arkhe should do something about this. Yet the numbers on the website do not work and my emails are ignored.
This man is crazy to be threatening a civilian with a gun!!!
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